
KidsUnder the various headings you will find the training activities on offer at this moment.

It is always possible and also our intention to tailor the training activities to your or your organisation’s specific needs.

During an initial consultation,  your requests will be matched to the available options and a matching package will be put together. The components may vary from seminars/workshops to peer review/supervision. Moving Balance likes to collaborate with other experts in the field and thus a combined focused offer can be put together. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to discuss the available options.

Moving Balance

Practice for Psychotherapy, EMDR, Consultation and Coaching

Information: Mattea Spatharakis
T: 06-49115682

Joseph Haydnlaan 101
2324 AR Leiden


Waiting time:
For all new clients regardless of diagnosis.
Intake: > 6 months
Start of treatment: > 7 months

Health insurance