Consultation/ Peer review

Supervisie IntervisieConsultation

Consultation is the process of learning and reflecting on yourself and your work as a therapist/psychologist. You bring in cases that you want to learn more about as well as recurring themes that you encounter during your work as a therapist. If  you want to expand or improve your work in social services, or if you just want to obtain more expertise in the field, then you can contact Moving Balance for supervision.

You can participate in consultation alone, or with one or two colleagues. If you come by yourself, we will work for an hour. If you come with one colleague it will be two hours, and with two colleagues we will work for three hours. In that case  you will  have two or three hours of consultation for the price of one.

Consultation is also available via Skype or telephone
Consultation is also offered to organizations and institutions.

Peer review

Peer review is the process of monitoring a group of colleagues or collaborating social service workers who want the guidance of a professional. In peer review, themes that arise within a group (organization, team) can be addressed, the concept of teamwork can be scrutinized, or expertise can be provided in various fields.

Peer review is often an enlightening, broadening and purifying experience and is a good investment for an organization or team. An appropriate program will be prepared that is relevant to the questions and concerns of the group. Peer review can be a one time event or can occur multiple times within various different meetings.

Moving Balance has offered peer review support to:

  • Womens Health Center HARA (GGD Zuid Holland Noord)
  • Stichting VSK Holland
  • State University of Leiden, department of Clinical and Health Psychology
  • APS the Netherlands
  • Independently working international psychologists in the Leiden area.

Moving Balance

Practice for Psychotherapy, EMDR, Consultation and Coaching

Information: Mattea Spatharakis
T: 06-49115682

Joseph Haydnlaan 101
2324 AR Leiden


Waiting time:
For all new clients regardless of diagnosis.
Intake: > 6 months
Start of treatment: > 7 months

Health insurance